Innovation is a versatile zoysiagrass. Developed by researchers at Kansas State University and Texas A&M University, Innovation is very cold-tolerant. This hardy yet attractive turfgrass is suitable for the southern two-thirds of the United States. It is an excellent choice for users in the transition zone. Fast-growing Innovation has very good shade tolerance, and is easy to maintain. Aesthetically, Innovation is an appealing dark green color, with a medium- to fine-texture. It will please golf course professionals as well as discerning homeowners.
Innovation Zoysia Characteristics
- Soil test every two years.
- Amend soil to maintain pH between 6.0 and 7.0
- Know your soil type!
Sharpen blades every spring.
- Keep mowed between .5 to 2 inches
Don’t cut of more than 1/3 the blade
Don’t Overwater
- Water less in cooler fall months
- About 1 inch a week total irrigation spring & summer
- Water deeply, frequently, and in early AM
Pre-emergents prevent weeds from germinating
Post-emergents kill weeds after they germinate
A thick, lush lawn is the best deterrent to weeds
- Overly wet grass + shade = fungus problems
- Apply systemic fungicide to prevent fungus outbreaks
- Use multiple fungicide applications to treat affected areas
- Use a broad spectrum insecticide that controls chinch bugs
- For a once-a-year treatment, July & August are good months
- If using a granular insecticide, water in after application
- Look for insect damage on grass blades and/ or roots